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Rainbow Beach Happy Planner Spread (The Transition Begins)

Rainbow Beach Happy Planner Spread (The Transition Begins)

Rainbow Beach Happy Planner Spread (The Transition Begins)

If you're like me and recently had to put aside the "planner that shall not be named," then you've probably already visited your local craft store to pick out a new planner. On my recent visit to Michaels last week, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a diverse selection of beautiful 18-month vertical and mini Happy Planners as well as a vertical Recollections planner to help me begin this new planner journey. With my arms full of planners, and other goodies, I rushed to the checkout and was pleasantly surprised to see that even with three planners in my cart, that the total cost was still nearly $50 less than what I had spent on my previous planner. How could this be? Needless to say, I was thrilled, and decided to add in an extra sticker book just because! 

This weekend, I opened my craft supply haul and my eyes were immediately drawn to the large vertical Happy Planner. Those pastel rainbow discs are just absolutely gorgeous, so I couldn't wait to pull out some of my summer planner stickers, art deco sheets, and get started on this week's spread.

I'm sure many of you who live in a cooler climate, like Canada, are just aching to go to the beach. I know I certainly am, so I started peeling off the Pink Summer Beach Dream stickers from my shop to start this week's spread with a beach theme. I was really happy to see how well these photo box stickers sized to the Happy Planner despite them being originally designed to fit the Recollections vertical planner and the planner that shall not be named. Dare I say this change was meant to be?

Pink Summer Beach Dream Planner Stickers 

Once I was happy with the position of the full box photo stickers, I wanted to add some art deco. And, what summer spread is complete without some pretty floral stickers? My favourite flower is the rose, so I couldn't resist adding the Lady Luxury Rose Art Deco stickers from my shop. I only added a few because I have a full week ahead of me with the Ultimate Planner Sale, so I knew that I'd need a lot of room to make notes and to get my long to do list done.

Rose Bud Art Deco Stickers

The new Simply Succulents planner sticker kit that I designed a few weeks ago was already on my desk, so I couldn't resist adding the cute little lama and the pretty coffee cup succulent stickers.

Simply Succulents Cactus Stickers Lama Stickers

I also used some of the functional boxes from the Simply Succulents kit to keep the colour theme consistent. 

Simply Succulent Functional Stickers

Lastly, I custom designed the rainbow to do lists and the multi-coloured days of the week just for this spread. Although these are not listed in my shop right now, feel free to contact me and request for them to be listed, and I'd be happy to help you out. 

I have to admit that although it took a little time to get used to the Happy Planner format, I really like how this spread turned out and will definitely be using this planner often. 

Wishing you all a very happy week ahead!

Lana Winterfield

Summer Happy Planner Spread by Winterfield Studios

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