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Blackout Tuesday

Blackout Tuesday

Blackout Tuesday

Hi everyone. I've been spending a lot of time listening and reading about the many stories surrounding this very important conversation, and it's really opened my eyes and broken my heart to see that we're still so very far away from equality, and there's no reason why this should be. 🖤 Black lives matter. 🖤⁠
I'm saddened every time I hear about someone's story of adversity and just how incredibly difficult and challenging their life has been all because of the colour of his/her skin. This is unacceptable, and systematic change is needed. Not next week, next month, not next year...immediately. 🖤 Black lives matter. 🖤⁠
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I've also come to the realization of just how sheltered and privileged I've been, and I am truly sorry for not being more aware of the history behind this suffering. One of the reasons why my husband and I have visited New Orleans twice now is to become better educated on black history so that we can contribute to creating the change that the world needs. 🖤 Black lives matter. 🖤⁠
I remember touring the Whitney plantation, which is a museum just outside of New Orleans exclusively dedicated to sharing the stories and history of slavery from 1752-1865, and being appalled at the brutal working and living conditions, the abuse and torture that was brought down on them every day, the forced assimilation, and the fear that they must have felt every single day. That's not living, but it sure is bravery. 🖤 Black lives matter. 🖤⁠
To everyone who has ever felt slighted or treated differently because of his/her skin or cultural background, I stand with you today and always. 🖤 #blacklivesmatter